What's the Difference Between a White and Black Witch?

What's the Difference Between a White and Black Witch?

According to The Atlantic, a 2014 Pew Research Center report suggested that the United States’ adult population of pagans and Wiccans was about 730,000 — on par with the number of Unitarians. And while magick has been on the rise for some time, we have perhaps never had a stronger need for white witchcraft than we do right now. Let us explain.

Consider white and black witchcraft as two sides of the coin: light and darkness. Traditionally, black witchcraft or black magic refers to the use of power for evil or malicious purposes. White witches focus on the benevolent greater good. 

The term “Black Witch” can also refer to the skin color of the witch. In popular culture, television shows, and movies, witches have mostly been perceived as white women, and when Black witches are cast, they are usually placed in roles depicting evil tendencies.

However Black witches are changing the narrative of Black witchcraft, with new stories such as “JuJu” which is available on Amazon Prime, and “Spell” which can be watched on the Roku Channel.

Source: Cratejoy Blog
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