Empaths & Lightworkers


An empath is a lightworker, one who brings light to the world. They are built differently and have access to and an awareness of skills others don’t often use. Generally, they tend to have 4 traits and 4 tendencies that define an empath.

The Traits

  1. Sensitive to electromagnetic energy. It is our nervous system that is finely tuned and notices even slight changes in the electromagnetic field around us. 
  2. Clear feeling or clairsentience: The psychic sense of feeling other people’s emotional and/or physical sensations. 
  3. Clear Knowing or Claircognizance: The psychic sense of just knowing things. In an empath, claircognizance means psychically interpreting their environment through energy. 
  4. Natural healing: Empaths naturally run the energy they are in and everyone in their presence will benefit. Running energy means they are moving, clearing and flushing the energy within their environment to clear out heavy, dense or negative energy.

The Tendencies

  1. Empaths think and operate as part of a collective. Thinking “we” instead of “me.”
  2. We are deep thinkers, examining life, people, and their work very deeply.
  3. Nature and animal enthusiasts, they feel connected to one or both in a spiritual way.
  4. Permeable energetic boundaries with a tendency to collect the bad bits from everyone with the desire to heal it.

For more info on Empaths go here: 

Thriving As An Empath: Evolution, Empaths, And Lightworkers 


Visit our Empaths Blog 


"Definition of a lightworker: Someone who wholeheartedly makes the decision to make the world a brighter place by being in it. "
—Rebecca Campbell


A lightworker is anyone who devotes their life to being a bright light in the world. They understand that their actions (no matter how big or small) have the potential to raise the vibration of the planet.

A lightworker soul is awake—conscious that their presence matters—and they are part of something that is bigger than them.

A lightworker is someone who makes a conscious decision to answer the call of Source (light) over the call of the ego (fear). There are two types of energy on this planet: light and dark. Light energy is unlimited and comes from Source. It’s high vibrational, expansive, positive, and full of love.

Lightworkers turn their light on by following what lights them up and then effortlessly sharing that light with the world around them. While some lightworkers alive right now incarnated with a conscious mission to be of service (and have been doing so for lifetimes), there are countless souls awakening to the call to be of service. Anyone who chooses to devote their life to being a bright light in the world is a lightworker. 

By following what you love, you are working your light. By choosing a higher thought when you find yourself in a bad mood, you are working your light. By encouraging someone instead of criticizing them, you are working your light. By sharing your unique gifts, you are working your light.

Many lightworkers may find that as they raise their consciousness, they become more energetically sensitive, picking up other people’s feelings, energy, and thoughts. You may find it hard to watch the news or violent films. 

For more information on Lightworkers go here:

Are You a Lightworker?


Visit our Lightworkers Blog